You know those little packets that indicate "Do Not Eat" & "Throw Away" with any packaging box and moisture sensitive gadgets.
This Silica Gel Packets also helps to increase life of your razor blades.
Here's How?
Step 1: Cleaning Tools of Shaving After Shaving
When you shave, you need to metal razor wet for comfort saving which can cause it to slowly rust if the moisture isn't removed also corrosion of a block of metal.
When you end up your shaving and ready to pack your shaving instrument into box, first you need to clean razor blade with cloth (Cloth must not wet)
Step 2: Silica Gel Packets into Box
Now Take a box (Where you put your shaving kit or only razor blade).
Silica gel is desiccant. Which remove moisture , corrosion and keep things dry.
Put Silica gel packets into box with razor blades. Storing your razor with silica gel can help to eliminate excess moisture also prevent from mold and corrosion and helps to extend lifespan of blades…
Just Wash your shaving tool after every use.
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